Bergen Robotics AS has already one med-tech daughter company - Flyt Medical AS.
Now it is time to move our autonomous camera systems for infrastructure inpections into a company dedicated to develop and sell services based on our advanced and unique technology. Go visit Haawk.AI for more information.
AI payload is finally working!
Our fully autonomous payload for detection and tracking of specific components on powerline infrastructure is now finally working!
We expect the payload to be ready for use by customers by 2023.
Bergen Robotics is getting ready to enable our AI and robotics software track sports! Stay tuned!
UNC 2019
UNC 2019 It is the third consecutive conference held by UAS Norway, gathering many national and international companies and organizations within the drone industry, as well as industry collaborators participating as speakers and exhibitors, including AUVSI, FLIR, Microsoft, Robot Aviation, DJI, OSM Aviation, Gullknapp Aerial Center, Luftfartstilsynet, Airmap, Avinor Flysikring, Airlift Solutions, Telenor, FAA, and Interpol.
For a presentation of our technology see our presentation at UNC 2019